Please reach out to with any questions about grants.
Grant Goals
To encourage and support innovative projects in teaching and learning that are consistent with Winchester 's system wide goals and priorities and beyond the scope of the regular school budget.
To encourage leadership and creativity in educators.
To support grants that impact a significant number of students.
To support grants that have a lasting benefit to Winchester 's school system.
To encourage cross-school, cross-grade, and cross-curricular collaboration.
To encourage collaboration among teachers, administrators, parents, and community groups to benefit the Winchester public schools.
CURRENT grant programs
WFEE offers these programs for individuals and collaborative groups.
Education Grants fund innovative programs that directly involve students.
Professional Development Grants provide funding for teachers, staff, and administrators to enroll in challenging courses, attend national conferences, and study in university-sponsored seminars that would not be possible under current school funding.
1. Talk to your principal or department head before you write your grant.
2. Grants Committee meets in September to consider the first round of grants and in March to review the second round of grants.*
3. WFEE Board reviews Committee recommendations in October and March or April.
4. Grants are presented to the School Committee in both October and March or April.
5. Applicants are then notified about the status of their grant proposal.
* The WFEE Grants Review Committee consists of WFEE trustees and educators from the community who are not employed by Winchester Public Schools.
The Review Committee considers each application and all proposals go through a rigorous approval process. Grantees are expected to share the results of their experiences with the Winchester community.
WFEE grants are not intended to replace or relieve existing responsibility for public funding or programs for the public school system, nor are they intended to substitute for normal budget growth and maintenance.